Hello from Ljubljana, Slovenia! I know, you're thinking: Where? Ljubljana is the capital city of Slovenia.
My friend, Rebecca, has been overseas for the past year or so working on her dissertation research. She needed to come here to present a paper at a conference that she is publishing, so I decided to come with her!
I picked her up from the airport in Venice yesterday, and we drove a couple hours to this city. So far, it's been cute. The weather was actually a little chilly yesterday, but we walked around part of the Old Town, and did a little shopping.
I bought Chris a traditional piece of artwork - a painted section of a beehive. Centuries ago, the Slovenes would paint them in brightly colored stories to attract the bees to the hives. I got a panel that shows St. George slaying a dragon - a popular story from the castle in this city.
Dragons are everywhere - much like Venice's lion. Chris' family actually immigrated to the States from Slovenia around the early 20th century (on his mom's side), so I thought this was a fitting piece of art for him. Plus it's a manly story, so I thought he wouldn't object.
Rebecca is at her conference right now, and then we are going to visit the castle. I'll take pictures and post them later.
Last night, we headed to the huge shopping complex, BTC City, for some Mexican food, and tonight we're headed back to see The Dark Knight in English with Slovenian subtitles! I'm so excited, I can't stand it!