Monday, February 25, 2008

Military (Socialized) Medicine

Rebecca is here, and Chris is slowly making his way home! I thought I would take a moment to reflect on my doctor's appointment yesterday.

I laugh when I hear Democrats advocate for socialized healthcare. The military healthcare system is exactly that - and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. There were approximately five years there where I was not a military dependent, and I cherished the healthcare I received in the real world.

So, yesterday I was ushered back to a room so that the (very young) med tech could ask me the usual general questions before the doctor came in. You know the ones: Do you drink alcohol, etc.

At one point he mumbles to me something that sounded like, "Do you say no to tobacco?" I thought I had heard him wrong, since that was horribly cheesy, so I said, "Excuse me?" Well, I had heard him correctly! "You know, do you smoke?"

So, I explain to him the reason for my visit - my throat is in complete pain, and I have a history of strep throat. I just want to feel better, since my friend was coming in that night. So, we get down to the throat culture, and he can't do it. His hands were shaking, and I am not sure if he was nervous, or what. At first, he looked into the back of my throat and said something about swabbing my tonsils. I pointed out that I don't have tonsils, as they were removed about eight years ago.

So, he actually asks me, "So, do I do a regular throat culture then?" I don't know!!

Finally, we get to doing the actual throat culture (he consulted with someone to get his answer), and he just couldn't get it. So, I had to do it!!


Laura said...

I can't believe you had to swab your own throat. And I thought I had the ultimate story after I got into a minor car accident on my way to Luke's Well Baby checkup, called ahead to say I was late and why, and when I got there, I was told that since I was more than five minutes late, my appointment had to be cancelled. You'd better believe I threw a fit! So the next day when we got to see the doctor, I complained to her about their policy not being bent for me and she went on to explain the policy to me. Yeah, I get it! I was more than five minutes late! These idiots don't think, they just work like a robot and when a curveball comes to them, they freeze and they simply cannot put any human quality into their equation. They didn't even ask how the baby was after getting into a car accident! They don't care about the work they do--they just work hard enough to not get fired. And from what I understand, the socialized medicine model in Britain and Canada is a whole lot worse than what we military folks go through!

Dyllan's Dependents said...

Do they not train these med techs! I really can't believe that you had to do your own culture. But you know, I completely agree with you. People are quick to talk and give their opinions even if they have never had the experience. Socialized medicine is not the way to go.