Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Motta di Livenza

I think I found my new favorite town around here. My friend Julie and I set out this morning to Motta di Livenza, which is a town between Pordenone and Treviso.

We were on a Bazaar mission. We have a new vendor coming to the Bazaar called Art&craft, which is a European antiques/home decor store. It's a rarity, actually, in Italy. We both really wanted to go tell the owner exactly what he should bring to sell in October.

He is one to look for at the Bazaar. He had such beautiful furniture pieces, and fun things like linens for the home. I bought a decorative pillow, because I just couldn't wait for the Bazaar. I will definitely be buying more later.

In typical Italian hospitality, he ran to the bar next door for some drinks to toast our new friendships.

His town, Motta di Livenza, was a typical beautiful Italian village, complete with market day today. They had some other great stores, including the best pasticceria I've seen yet in Italy. Julie and I were in agreement - we need to make return visits just to hang out there if nothing else. Or, buy a villa.

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