Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just Say No to Bailouts!

I am so aggravated that I can't keep silent on this. On the verge of Speaker Pelosi's lame duck session to bail out the automakers, I want to speak out!

If I were a Member of Congress or the President, I would put together an emergency package that would do some real long-term good. Instead of throwing billions of dollars at companies that will, inevitably, need more to support their habit in a few years, let's take a look at what got them here in the first place.

Our interventionist (read: increasingly socialist) government has, over the decades, tried to stifle private enterprise in a number of ways. First and foremost, our congressional leaders decided to institute ever-increasing stiff CAFE standards that have only created what the environmentalist lobby wanted in the first place: a dying auto industry. After decades of this, it is time to ask an important question to our Democrat Congress: Would you prefer a healthy automotive industry or a "green" environment? Because, clearly, you will not have both.

The problem for these Democrats is that Michigan is their state, and they have to pretend that they want both, when it is not feasible to achieve this kind of utopia.

The other problem, of course, is the stranglehold that unions have on the Big 3 automakers, and the resulting inability of the industry to be agile like they need to be to head off costs.

We also can blame the leaders of these companies. I mean, really, it is your job to be profitable. The job I had in Oklahoma was a result of the previous guy being fired for not making money in our division. After all, that is the point of the company! Stressful, yes. But, if you can't handle it, you find another line of work.

So, let's tell our Congress "NO" to anymore bailouts. If they do bail these companies out, they need to attach a long list of reversals on interfering policies over the decades that have put these companies in an uncompetitive, deathlike state. If we just give them money, they will come begging for more.

Write to your congressmen to tell them not to give your money away in bailouts! After all, the Big 3 all are headquartered in Michigan, which is led by Governor Granholm, who is such an economic brain that she is on President-Elect Obama's economic team. She should be able to figure out this mess (even though her state is in a dismal way, economically), since she is smart enough to steer our country's economic policy.

1 comment:

GraficWorld said...

Hello your blog is nice!!!
good day!