Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New in 2009

A very belated Happy New Year to everyone! We have been busy around here. Chris left this week for another deployment (for those of you counting, this is indeed number three in under two years). This one seems particularly rough for us. We both agree that we didn't get much reintegration time from the last one, and what we did have was mostly spent in Montgomery at SOS. Oh well. I'm just praying that this one moves quickly.

Today I began a cooking class with a bunch of ladies at an Italian chef school. It's five weeks long, and is a lot of fun! It's just my speed. We watch the chef (and the students he likes to boss around), take notes, and then eat the food he prepares. Molto buono!

Today we learned how to make homemade gnocchi with a bolognese sauce, a spinach quiche that was to die for, scaloppine (pork) cooked in white wine sauce, and duchess potatoes. Yum! The best part is that I can definitely make everything on my own.

I also had our OB Orientation Class today at the hospital which actually turned out to be a socialist medicine propaganda fest. I'm pretty sure that my answer on a questionnaire regarding spanking will earn me a call from someone on the base (I am all for using non-abusive spanking in the arsenal of discipline, whereas the military is strictly against spanking). The military has really become Big Brother, for those who did not know.

Well, those are the big updates for now.


Tamara said...

That's rough that your husband is gone again :( I hope the time flies by for you!

Would you please share the info about the cooking school please? That sounds great. I only know about the one through the Community Center.

Lindsay and Ryan said...

Hey cousin! I don't think I have congratulated you yet. I can imagine with a baby on the way that it is hard having your other half gone. My heart is with you! I am almost full term and am pretty ready to be done with this pregnancy. I breezed through the 1st and 2nd trimesters and then at about 32 weeks my body started giving out. But alas there is an end in sight! I don't have your current email, but would love to send you an actual letter...so send me one at lewbruner@comcast.net. Also we started a blog registry but we will use it to update freinds and family on the baby once he or she comes along it www.thelovingbean.blogspot.com. Also I will politely tell you how fabulous facebook is. Happy cooking (baby and fab italian food that is)

Laura said...

Meredith doesn't cook babies--just Italian food.