Sunday, February 1, 2009

You Call This "Hope"?

This is the point when I am truly expecting Jesus to make his Glorious Appearing. We have reached a new low in emerging further away from any kind of culture of life.

The British government's chair of the Sustainable Development Commission, or "green adviser", Jonathon Porritt, is publishing a disturbing report next month regarding the role family planning has on global warming. It is Porritt's view that families with more than two children are creating an "unbearable burden" on the environment.

I wonder what his views are of the declining European population and its implications in sustaining a socialist government and resulting laughable programs? But, that is beside the point.

Porritt recommends in this report that governments must take action - by implementing programs to increase family planning methods to include ABORTION.

It will be interesting to see what European governments do with this hideous recommendation.

And, my American friends, we are truly not that far behind in this strange Orwellian scenario. Our own President Obama, in one of his first acts as President of the United States, lifted a ban on federal funding of abortions in other countries. His reasoning: The ban would "undermine family planning in developing countries."

So, now our tax dollars will be spent performing abortions all over the world. I'm so glad that we're in a new era of hope and change and diplomacy for all! This will make the Muslims like us!

So much for swearing to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Protecting life is clearly not in our new President's interests. And now we have crazy people around the world who think that, by aborting our way down to two children per family, we will somehow save our planet. What have we come to?

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