Thursday, February 12, 2009


Last night was our annual Officers Spouses Club Crystal Bingo! I actually do get really excited for this each year. It is one of the best events that we have.

I know it sounds a little weird, but it turns out to be quite a blast. The one bad thing was that I brought my camera and forgot to take pictures (as usual). I even had a conversation with my friend Patty about that, and still forgot to take them.

Anyways, I was, of course, the designated driver for a couple of people. It turned out to be the most entertaining designated driving I had done in quite some time! The prosecco was definitely flowing at this event.

And, everyone at our table won! I won a pretty crystal bowl. I'm not sure what I am going to do with it, but it'll look beautiful somewhere in my house.

So, now Crystal Bingo is over, and it was probably my last one. It's definitely sad, but some of the ladies from my squadron decided that we should take a trip to Rogaska, Slovenia (where much of the crystal was purchased), for a shopping and spa trip sometime soon. So, that's something to look forward to!

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