Monday, February 25, 2008

Manic Monday

Wow, I really haven't posted in awhile. That tells you how exciting my life has been.

Actually, it's getting rather exciting today. Chris is on his way back from Rwanda (although, he's not exactly sure when he will be home), my friend Rebecca is getting here tonight, and I think I have strep throat! Don't worry, I'm on my way to the doctor, where I will hopefully get some great meds. When it rains, it pours.

I will probably post again this week, as I have some exciting times with Rebecca coming up, as well as a haircut where I might put in bangs. I know, exciting life! And, Mom, if you are reading this, don't worry - I remember your warning that my forehead is too small for normal bangs - they will be sweeping if I do decide to get them.


Laura said...

Good timing--Mom is on a cruise, so she can't try to talk you out of the bangs. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. Isn't it funny that we're grown women and yet afraid of what Mom will think of our hair? And now I'm afraid of what she'll think of this comment! Hey, your MK just came in on Friday--I'm mailing it today.

Sue said...

What do you think, ladies.....that they don't have the internet on cruise ships??? I am, however, honored (and amused, somewhat) to discover that my opinon really does matter to you this day, in fact! Now don't be disappointed when I tell you that I was too busy on my cruise to worry about the hairstyle choices of my daughters. I had my own choices to tub or swimming pool...brown bathing suit or black bathing suit...Coco Loco or wine or white.... ahhh--choices, choices choices.

I love you both...
