Thursday, February 7, 2008

Good Day!

Yesterday was a fantastic day! I started out by going with some friends to a spa to get a facial. And, yes, I finally found a place that does a good one! The only European spas that I had been to have been in Italy and Slovenia - and none of them really went the extra mile to do anything worthy of the euros that I was paying them.

Last night was the Officers' Spouses Club's annual Crystal Bingo. It was awesome! I broke my losing slump, and went home with some pretty crystal bookends and a book on cultural tours of Italy. Last year, I was the only person at my table to go home with nothing, so this year I made up for it.

I wish every day could be so great! Chris comes back from Poland tonight, and then leaves again for his big trip sometime this weekend. Although he will be gone, and I will miss him, Rebecca is coming to visit!! We are going to have lots of fun.


Laura said...

Rebecca saves the day!

You know, if you want a great at-home facial, I can hook you up with some great products.

Tamara said...

Hello, I just started reading your blog from the beginning. There's good information here! I was wondering which spa you went to...? I'd like to find a good one around here. Thanks!