Friday, April 4, 2008

Ants In My Pants

We can take that phrase as meaning that I am excited for my cruise that starts next week...or we can take that phrase very literally!

Yesterday, I was on the phone with a friend when I noticed a nice little line of ants walking across my laundry room floor. I, naturally, panicked. Following them, I saw that they were coming from the dryer vent, which is actually not in the laundry room but in the adjacent bathroom (it's a quirky Italian house thing).

I started spraying Raid in just about every corner of the laundry room and bathroom, which started mass chaos on the part of the disgusting little bugs. It took me several hours to clean up, and I'm sure there are little ant bodies all over the place that I just haven't gotten to quite yet.

I have no earthly idea what they were being drawn to...usually ants follow food or something, but the kitchen is on the other side of the house. I do know that this type of thing only ever happens when Chris is gone.

The blessing in this - spring is here! We have had spectacular weather today. I love the beautiful flowers that are crammed into every corner of Italy during the approaching time of year. It's exciting - I just don't like the bugs. At least I haven't seen any lizards yet. Yuck.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Oh no! You always seem to have these kinds of things happen to you. Soon you'll be on a cruise ship with no bugs in sight!