Sunday, November 22, 2009

Odds & Ends

Do you like my new blog design? It looks pretty much exactly like my awesome Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag. Seriously.

I have too much time on my hands.

Anyways, this week has been busy in our continuation of settling in. I joined a stroller fitness class, which is really a great group and workout. I kind of thought it would be lame, but it's not!

This weekend was the Geilenkirchen bazaar. We volunteered for a some of it. Chris played Santa Claus on Friday (I, of course, got Jackson's first picture with Santa).

The bazaar here is teeny tiny compared to the one at Aviano, but we still got some great gifts. Two of the vendors sold me out to the ladies running the event - they have already approached me about working on next year's committee! I agreed to it, but said that I do not want to be in charge of the actual event.

This week will be busy in preparation of Thanksgiving. Thursday will honestly be a normal day for us. Now that Chris works for NATO, he does not have Thanksgiving as a day off. We'll probably do a pared down version that evening. That's actually a lifesaver for me, because we have the smallest oven known to man now. If I make any turkey on Thursday (and let's be honest, I haven't been to the Commissary yet to see if there is anything left), it will have to be in the slow cooker.

So, we are doing a big Thanksgiving on Saturday with our church. That should actually be a lot of fun.

The fall is moving way too quickly!

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